Saturday, January 4, 2020


E - Plus media
 The innovation news portal
National Entertainment

Corps invented the bridge cycle to school for kids. They wanted students to come to school faster.
State Entertainment   
 No update
City Entertainment   
 A new flat was inagurated on January 4 TIME 11:35AM it is a flat by LULU group.
School Entertainment
 The school of the Good Shepherd has built a new elevator for teachers. The principal Mr. Joy. M. Vargheese had retired and a new chairman came to our school as a chairwoman named Siccy Roy. the exams started on SGS ON 13 TO 17.

Friday, January 3, 2020

If i was an ANT.....

IF I WAS AN ANT........

i would be resting in
the summer and i would be 
working in the winter.
if any grasshopper come and ask for 
i will give them.
if i had friends it will 
 be graceful to me.
if i had home and a family 
it will be graceful to me once more.
if any human being hit me i
will forgive them.
IF I WAS AN ANT........